Financial Information

The Town Council financial documents and reports can be found in this section. Click on the folders below to view all relevant documents.

Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR)

The Local Audit & Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015 set out the responsibilities of all local councils in respect of their accounting and auditing procedures.

Each year, the Council’s financial accounts and statements must be examined by an independent internal auditor appointed by the Council. For the year 2023/24 this is the Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC). 

The Council is also required to complete an Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) which includes the findings of the Internal Auditor, together with Governance Statements and Financial Statements. The AGAR is then submitted to the independent external auditor appointed by the Audit Commission for examination.

Year Ending 31st March 2024

The Council’s Financial Statements and Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) submission for the year-ending 31st March 2023 has been checked by SALC and subsequently approved by the Full Council at its meeting held on Wednesday 22nd May. 

The completed AGAR, together with the relevant supporting documentation, has now been approved by the external auditor, PKF Littlejohn LLP who are required to complete their review by 30th September 2024. The unaudited accounts can be seen below in the 'Annual Return' folder. 

Publication of the AGAR on websites

Scanned pdf documents do not comply with the Accessibility Regulations 2018. Any person who wishes to review the documentation is advised to contact the Town Clerk to make an appointment.

Asset Register

The Council agrees it's Asset Register every March in order that the agreed figure can be included as part of the Annual Return. 

Annual Return

The Council submits a return to the external auditor which is agreed at the Annual Council Meeting following the year end internal audit. Draft accounts and a notice for the public to inspect the accounts are initially published, and following consideration by the external auditor, fully audited accounts.  


All local councils set a precept as every council has a budget - the amount of money required to fund their operations. The precept is a calculated amount of money after a council has deducted its predicted income from its planned expenditure for the upcoming year. Woodbridge Town Council agrees it budget at the Janaury meeting of the Council, with the Finance Committee preparing the budget from September of the previous year onwards. 

Community Infrastructure Levy

​​​​​​The Community Infrastructure Regulations (2010), Section 62, set out the reporting requirements for a local authority who receive Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments - Woodbridge Town Council must publish an annual statement on its website. 

Internal Audit Reports

Internal auditing is a review, appraisal and report of the adequacy of the internal control systems operating throughout a Council - Woodbridge Town Council appoint an impartial internal auditor to undertaken two audits per year (mid year and year end). 

Local Government Transparency

​​​​​​The Local Government Transparency Code (2015) requires local authorities in England to publish information related to expenditure over £500, contracts over £5000, senior staff salaries and the use of a local government procurement card.  

Model Publication Scheme

The Model Publication Scheme commits an authority to make information available to the public as part of its normal business activities.

Year End Account Summaries

As part of the Council's submission to the external auditor, the year end balance sheet is submitted to confirm the Council's accounting position and comparison of income and expenditure from one year to the next. 


2024-2025 Financial Year

To follow at year end. 

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