Grants and Award Schemes

Grant Scheme

Each year Woodbridge Town Council awards grants to Charities and Voluntary Organisations that contribute to the well-being of Woodbridge or promote the image of the Town.

Funds are limited therefore however well deserving, County and National charities and organisations are unlikely to receive grant funding unless they can demonstrate that any funds granted will directly benefit Woodbridge and its inhabitants.

Grants are awarded by the Town Council at its July meeting. Applications for those awards should be received by the Town Clerk at Shire Hall, Market Hill, Woodbridge IP12 4LP or email: [email protected] by 31st May 2024.

Applications Forms and details of Criteria can be found by clicking on the below documents;

Please note that if you require a word document if you are unable to open the above pdf documents, please email: [email protected]

WTC Grants Awarded in 2024

Organisation Grants awarded
Citizens Advice East Suffolk £2,300
Dora Brown £3,000
First Woodbridge Scout Group £1,500
Opera for Woodbridge £1,000
Suffolk Accident and Rescue £500
Seckford District Girlguiding  £350
Tide Mill Trust £5,000
Transition Woodbridge  £1,500
Woodbridge Bowls Club £2,300
Woodbridge Cricket Club £2,000
Woodbridge Festival of Art and Music £2,700
Woodbridge Football Club £2,000
Woodbridge in Bloom £1,500
Woodbridge Rotary Club £350
Total £26,000


Discretionary Grant Scheme

Under the powers provided to the Council under section 137 of the Local Government Act (1972), a Council may:

‘Incur expenditure which in their opinion is in the interests of and will bring direct benefit to their area or any part of it or some of its inhabitants’.

Such expenditure must be commensurate with the benefit to the community. Woodbridge Town Council has a Discretionary Hardship Ear Marked Reserve, from where the following grants have been provided in the 2023/23 Financial Year:

Woodbridge Branch Salvation Army - £1500 (July 2023).

Potter Cup

The Potter Cup is an award presented annually by Woodbridge Town Council  along with a cheque for £50.

Each year nominations are invited for an individual or organisation that has made an outstanding contribution to the life or name of Woodbridge in the preceeding twelve months.

Previous winners of the Potter Cup are listed below.

Year Awarded Recipient
2023 Mrs Charmian Berry
2022 Brenda Jackson, New Horizons Club
2021 Mr Prity and Yogi Patel, Warwick Convenience Store
2020 Mrs Jane Healey
2019 Friends of Woodbridge Library
2018 Messrs Kevin and Cliff Baldock
2017 The New Horizons Club
2016 432 Woodbridge Air Force Air Cadets
2015 Dr Bob Merrett
2014 Miss Brenda Jackson
2013 Mr Richard Cavana
2012 Mr Ray Branton
2011 Woodbridge Town Pastors
2010 Mr Brian Andrews
2009 Mr Peter Bacon
2008 Mrs Valerie Constable
2007 Woodbridge Town Youths Football Club
2006 The Rochford Trust
2004 Woodbridge Community Council
2003 Mr Alastair Howard
2002 Mr Don Tucker
2000 Mr Lee Nunn
1999 Woodbridge Deben Rotaract Club
1998 David Horne
1997 Miss Carley Brennan
1996 Company of Four
1995 Mr Jonathan Rattle & Mr Lenny Pack
1994 Mr Rob Robinson & Mr John Collins
1993 5th Woodbridge Sea Scouts
1992 Helen Stevenson

For further information about the Potter Cup contact the Deputy Town Clerk on 01394 383599 or Email [email protected].

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