
Woodbridge Town Council has a policy that the pro-rata distribution of Committee places between political parties be based on the membership of Committees being 9 (or for smaller Committees 5), the ex-officio Mayor not being counted for these purposes.

The table below shows the Committee membership for the Civic Year 2023/24 as agreed at the Town Council meeting of Tuesday 16th May 2023.

There are six appointed non-Council members to the Climate and Ecological Emergency Committee.


Committee Chair Members
Amenities Sharon Miller David Adelson, Sue Bale, Eamonn O'Nolan, Robin Sanders, Mike Sutton, Catherine Walsh, Martin Wilks, Doreen Pegg, Eleanor Beck
Finance Nigel Phipps Sue Bale, Patrick Gillard, Geoff Holdcroft, Ruth Leach, Sharon Miller, Robin Sanders, Mike Sutton, Mark Kneebone, Tom Rogerson
Staffing Eamonn O'Nolan Sue Bale, Geoff Holdcroft, Sharon Miller, Robin Sanders, Mike Sutton, Catherine Walsh, Martin Wilks, Nigel Phipps, Tom Rogerson
Planning David Adelson Sue Bale, Patrick Gillard, Geoff Holdcroft, Ruth Leach, Robin Sanders, Nigel Phipps, Mark Kneebone, Doreen Pegg, Eleanor Beck
Climate & Ecological Emergency Eleanor Beck David Adelson, Eamonn O'Nolan, Robin Sanders, Catherine Walsh, Martin Wilks, Doreen Pegg
Highways and Transport Patrick Gillard Ruth Leach, Robin Sanders, Mike Sutton, Martin Wilks, Tom Rogerson
Town Council Robin Sanders David Adelson, Sue Bale, Patrick Gillard, Geoff Holdcroft, Ruth Leach, Sharon Miller, Eamonn O'Nolan, Mike Sutton, Catherine Walsh, Martin Wilks, Nigel Phipps, Mark Kneebone, Tom Rogerson, Doreen Pegg, Eleanor Beck



Sub-committee Members Notes
Standing Orders Working Party David Adelson, Sue Bale, Patrick Gillard, Geoff Holdcroft, Ruth Leach, Sharon Miller, Eamonn O'Nolan, Robin Sanders, Mike Sutton, Catherine Walsh, Martin Wilks, Nigel Phipps, Mark Kneebone, Tom Rogerson, Doreen Pegg, Eleanor Beck Councillors split into three groups in order to share the workload. 
Youth Forum Working Party Ruth Leach, Mike Sutton, Nigel Phipps, Doreen Pegg, Eleanor Beck Reports to Full Town Council
Property Working Party Sue Bale, Ruth Leach, Sharon Miller, Eamonn O'Nolan, Robin Sanders, Mike Sutton, Catherine Walsh, Tom Rogerson Reports to Full Town Council.
Newsletter Working Party Patrick Gillard, Geoff Holdcroft, Ruth Leach, Catherine Walsh, Eleanor Beck Reports to Full Town Council. 

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