Full Town Council

Chairperson: Robin Sanders

Members: David Adelson, Sue Bale, Patrick Gillard, Geoff Holdcroft, Ruth Leach, Sharon Miller, Eamonn O'Nolan, Mike Sutton, Catherine Walsh, Martin Wilks, Nigel Phipps, Mark Kneebone, Tom Rogerson, Doreen Pegg, Eleanor Beck

The role of the Town Council is to carry out all statutory functions reserved to Council, including but not limited to:

  1. To approve the Annual Budget and Precept demand.
  2. To approve expenditure against General Fund/Earmarked Reserves and any virements across Committee budgets.
  3. To review and amend the Standing Orders and the functions and constitution of the Committees of the Council.
  4. To approve a schedule of meetings of the Council and its Committees.
  5. To approve the appointment or nomination by the Council of persons to fill vacancies on outside bodies.
  6. To consider recommendations of Committees or Working Parties of the Council as necessary.
  7. To review these Terms of Reference and delegated authority provided to Committees and the Town Clerk from time to time.
  8. The appointment, salary, terms and conditions and dismissal of Council employees.
  9. To approve Accounts for Payment.
  10. To authorising the sealing of legal documents, leases, contracts and licences where authority to do so is not provided elsewhere.
  11. To respond to major consultations and those outside of the scope of other Committees.
  12. To receive the Internal Audit reports and agree appropriate action as required.
  13. To receive the External Audit report and agree appropriate action as required.
  14. To agree and approve the Annual Return.
  15. To review and approve the Council’s insured risks and insurance policy.
  16. To consider any matters within the Terms of Reference of another Committee at any time.

The agenda will be uploaded three clear working days before the meeting (usually the Friday before a Wednesday meeting). The minutes of a meeting will be uploaded in draft once they are approved by the Mayor. A final version will be uploaded once the draft minutes are approved at the next meeting of the Council. 

2024/25 CIVIC YEAR
22.05.24 (Annual Council) Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
12.06.24 (Grants) Agenda Not required Minutes
19.06.24 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
10.07.24 Agenda Not required Minutes
24.07.24 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
18.09.24 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
23.10.24 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
20.11.24 Agenda Financial Documents
17.12.24 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
22.01.25 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
19.02.25 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
19.03.25 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
16.04.25 (Annual Parish) Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
23.04.25 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes


2023/24 Civic Year
16.05.23 (AGM) Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
14.06.23 (Grants Meeting) Agenda        Not required Minutes
28.06.23 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
19.07.23 Agenda

Financial Documents

20.09.23 Agenda

Financial Documents

18.10.23 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
22.11.23 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
06.12.23 Agenda Not required Minutes
19.12.23 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
17.01.24 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
25.01.24 Agenda Not required Minutes
21.02.24 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
20.03.24 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
17.04.24 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
Annual Town Meeting 2023/24
08.05.24 Agenda Report from the Mayor Minutes

Under the Local Government Act 1972 s9 all parishes/towns in England must hold an Annual Parish/Town Meeting. This is an annual statutory public meeting of the Town’s electors and is therefore not used to address standard Council business.The Annual Town meeting is a review of the Council year and follows a legal requirement for town and parish councils to hold an electors meeting, once a year to raise an issue of their choice.

Section 9 of the Local Government Act 1972 states that “for every parish there shall be a parish meeting for the purpose of discussing parish affairs and exercising any functions conferred on such meetings by any enactment…”

Section 13 of the Act states that “the parish meeting of a parish shall consist of the local government electors for the parish”.

The 1972 Local Government Act therefore requires every town and parish council to host a meeting between March and June each year, to which all their electors are invited.

The meeting is open to the public and all residents who are on the electoral role of the parish are entitled to raise an issue of their choice at the meeting. The Annual Town Meeting is not a council meeting; it is a meeting of the town electors and often involves partners such as Police and District and County Councillors. 

The meeting is chaired by the Mayor of Woodbridge but Councillors have no more standing than other electors of Woodbridge.  The meeting is an open forum giving residents an opportunity to raise issues they feel are important to the town. This could be:

 - Suggesting ideas for the Town Council to investigate

 - Raising concerns about planned activities in the town

  - Asking questions to the Town Council

 - Raising general issues affecting the town

The annual meeting is an opportunity to debate important local issues and celebrate community achievements and awards. Local organisations who have benefited from council grants are invited to provide a report on their activities, however any local organisation wishing to address the meeting are welcome. The Mayor also produces an annual report. 


2022/23 Civic Year
18.04.23 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
21.03.23 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
21.02.23 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
24.01.23 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
20.12.22 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
22.11.22 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
02.11.22 Agenda Not required Minutes
18.10.22 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
28.09.22 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
19.07.22 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
12.07.22 Agenda Not required Minutes
28.06.22 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
17.05.22 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
Annual Town Meeting 2022/23
07.03.23 Agenda Report from the Mayor Minutes
2021/22 Civic Year
03.05.22 Agenda Not Required Minutes
19.04.22 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
24.03.22 Agenda Not Required Minutes
15.03.22 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
15.02.22 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
18.01.22 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
14.12.21 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
07.12.21 Agenda Not Required Minutes
23.11.21 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
19.10.21 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
05.10.21 Agenda Not Required Minutes
21.09.21 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
17.08.21 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
20.07.21  Agenda  Financial Documents  Minutes
22.06.21  Agenda Financial Document  Minutes 
04.05.21 Agenda Not Required Minutes
Annual Town Meeting 2021/22
26.04.22 Agenda Report from the Town Mayor Minutes
2020/21 Civic Year
12.05.20  Agenda Financial Documents  Minutes
23.06.20 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
07.07.20 Agenda Not Required Minutes
21.07.20 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
18.08.20 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
22.09.20 Agenda Financial DocumentS Minutes
20.10.20 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
17.11.20 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
20.11.20 Agenda Not Required Minutes
14.12.20 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
05.01.21 Agenda Not Required Minutes
26.01.21 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
16.02.21 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
16.03.21 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
26.04.21 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
Annual Town Meeting 2020/21
28.04.21 Agenda Report from the Town Mayor Minutes
2019/20 Civic Year
14.05.19 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
29.05.19  Agenda Not Required Minutes
11.06.19  Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
09.07.19 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
13.07.19 Agenda Not Required Minutes
23.07.19  Agenda Not Required Minutes
10.09.19  Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
10.10.19  Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
23.10.19 Agenda Not Required Minutes
12.11.19 Agenda  Financial Documents  Minutes
10.12.19 Agenda  Financial Documents  Minutes
14.01.20 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
11.02.20 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
10.03.20 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
23.03.20 Agenda Not Required Minutes
21.04.20 Agenda Financial Documents Minutes
01.05.20 Agenda Not Required Minutes

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