Joint statement regarding 15 Tide Mill


Joint statement from Woodbridge Town Council and Woodbridge Art Club.

04 September 2023

Woodbridge Town Council (WTC) and the Woodbridge Art Club (WAC) are pleased to report that the parties have held a productive meeting to further discuss the Council’s decision not to offer WAC a new lease for the building at 15 Tide Mill Way.

The meeting allowed WTC to provide further clarification regarding the decision as well as explain the Council’s plans for the future use of the building – WTC confirmed that they have always considered that WAC are very much part of these plans, and concede it was regrettable that this wasn’t made clearer in the early communication between the parties. 

Both parties understand that:

  • On March 31st 2024, the lease for the building at 15 Tide Mill Way currently held by WAC will expire. In the event that the roof works do not commence on April 1st, WAC will be able to continue using the building as a direct hirer from WTC, but not as the sole lessee.
  • The roof of the building requires replacement and WTC are speaking with contractors regarding this work being undertaken in 2024.  WTC are happy for WAC to continue as a hirer of the building up until that time when the building must be vacated by all parties to allow for the safe undertaking of the building works. 
  • When the work is complete, WAC will be welcome to use the building as a direct hirer alongside other groups, and there may be an arrangement, yet to be determined, to use the building to host an exhibition demonstrating and selling members’ work during the summer months.
  • WTC will confirm to WAC at the earliest opportunity the hire fees for the future use of the building, which will be dependent on the club’s status as a commercial organisation or charity, as well as the number of days offered to the club per week. WTC is grateful to WAC for explaining the current requirements of the club as well as understanding the Council’s wishes to offer the space to the wider community. 
  • The building is not for sale nor are the Council considering sale at the current time. WTC are committed to offering its publicly owned buildings to the wider community rather than a single organisation.
  • The loss of the use of the kiln provided the greatest concern to WAC – WTC confirms that the kiln and kiln room can be retained at the property and that use will be provided solely to members of WAC. 

WTC and WAC are confident that the building can be utilised to accommodate both the requirements of local artistic community whilst at the same time providing a valuable space for local charitable and community focussed organisations, and look forward to working together to satisfy the needs of both parties.   


Cllr Eamonn O’Nolan                                                 Jean Maxwell

Chair, WTC                                                                  Chair, WAC


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